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Why quotes are used

Quotes relate to people’s situations, and can at times provide comfort to a disturbed mind. They can speak to one’s inner self to motivate and build their character. Quotes can give people a new perspective about an issue, boost somebody’s courage, give hope, etc. the benefits one can get from reading quotes are numerous, and that’s why they are used a lot by people. This article has listed some of the reasons why most people use quotes. 

To inspire: regardless of the type of presentation being made, the goal of the speaker should be to inspire the audience. An inspired audience will be more willing to accept a speaker’s idea or plan. 

To define your line of thought. As a speaker, it is important that you can guide your audience to think in the way you want them to. This is most applicable when you wish to solve a problem indirectly or motivate someone that’s about to give up. 

To make speeches memorable: most quotes are created memorably and concisely, which makes them easy to remember. For example, Martin Luther King Junior’s speech at the Lincoln memorial park is well remembered for the famous quote; 

        “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”  

Quotes can help remedy lousy character traits, such as procrastination. Postponing things can derail one from achieving a lot of things in life, but if one can learn some few quotes that boost morale, he/she can overcome it. 

To reaffirm a presentation: you can throw in a quote at the end of your presentation to summarize your entire argument and to affirm your stand on a given matter. 

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