Desire Quotes, Desire One-Liners, Desire Sayings, Desire Memes, Desire Statuses and Desire Tweets!
I so believe that older women have tremendous value to their families, their community, their […]
I’d like to be surrounded by splendid things. Freddie Mercury
I think there’s two things in human beings…that they want to be alone, but they […]
Everybody likes a compliment. Abrahm Lincoln
I have learned over the years that when one’s mind is made up, this diminishes […]
If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves. […]
To be a champ, you have to believe in yourself when no one else will. […]
There’s a tremendous bias against taking risks. Everyone is trying to optimize their ass-covering. Elon […]
Our visions begin with our desires. Audre Lord