Arthur Schopenhauer Biography and Quotes
Birthday: February 22nd, 1788
Commemoration: September 21st, 1860
Nationality: German
Years Old
Famously Known For
Arthur Schopenhauer is well remembered for being the first German philosopher to integrate Eastern thoughts into his writings.
He is also considered to be the father of philosophical pessimism. His pessimistic views on human nature are discussed in his book “the world as Will and Representation.”
Early Life and Education
Arthur was the son to Heinrich Floris, a wealthy merchant from Poland and Johanna. The family moved to Hamburg in 1793 when Danzig came under attack by the Prussians. Arthur received private lessons and later attended a private business school
In 1809, Arthur got admitted to the University of Göttingen to study medicine. He then specialized in philosophy under Gottlieb Ernst Schultz. In 1811, Arthur transferred to Berlin university so that he could attend Johan Gottlieb’s lectures. This is because Johan was held high as the best German philosopher of his day.
Plato and Immanuel Kant greatly influenced Arthur’s philosophies.
Arthur spent a better part of his life writing on different topics. During the battle of Leipzig, Arthur hid in Rudolstadt hoping that the army wouldn’t find him. He was able to complete his dissertation the same year when France had lost the battle of Leipzig.
He taught at the University of Berlin where his ideologies collided with those of Hegel, forcing him out of academia for good.
Personal Life
Arthur never married throughout his entire life. He however enjoyed casual romantic encounters with Flora Weiss.
Arthur Schopenhauer died in his apartment in Frankfurt. Though a pessimist with an awkward view of human nature, Arthur donated his estate to the Prussian army. The estate was used to help the families of disabled soldiers that participated in the Suppression of the 1848 war.
He died at the age of 72.